*Human Resource Specialist

Volunteer Opportunities United States


Application Deadline: Open Until Filled


The human resources (HR) specialist supports Gamma Phi Beta by helping recruit and connect our volunteer workforce. She will guide potential volunteers to new roles and supports volunteer supervisors in recruiting and selecting the right volunteers for their team.  
  • Assist in the creation and execution of potential volunteer outreach plans and strategies, including but not limited to contacting potential volunteers via email, text and phone call.  
  • Conduct one-on-one conversations with interested potential volunteers with a focus on chapter advisory roles. Provide an overview of volunteer opportunities and personalized candidate support.  
  • Identify open volunteer opportunities for members in our active volunteer pipeline. Connect candidates with volunteer supervisors.  
  • Research and source future volunteers from Gamma Phi Beta’s membership.  
  • Track conversations, follow-up actions and hiring/placement within roles with interested volunteers.  
  • Provide dedicated recruitment consulting to identified chapters or teams needing volunteer recruitment support. Collaborate and communicate with designated volunteer supervisors and collegiate chapter supervisors.  
  • Serve as a connection point and facilitate conversations between potential volunteers and hiring managers.  
  • Utilize Jobvite and Beta Base to identify and match available candidates and open volunteer roles.  
  • In partnership with the HR manager, work to create, improve, execute and revise processes for volunteer recruitment, assessment and selection.  
  • Support stakeholders on projects related to volunteer recruitment and retention.  
  • Participate in monthly HR specialist team calls and bimonthly one-on-one calls with HR manager.  
  • This role requires 8-10 hours per month, on average.  
  • Travel: Volunteers in this role will be expected to travel zero to two days per year for Gamma Phi Beta events, including REAL Leadership Institute and Convention.  
  • Complete basic Fidelity volunteer online lessons and other required training.  
  • Learn and utilize Beta Base (chapter reporting system) for all chapters.  
  • Learn and utilize volunteer applicant tracking system, Jobvite.  
  • Pay annual international alumnae dues or be a Life LoyalTo check if you are in good standing, log in at GammaPhiBeta.org > Member > My Profile. On the first tab, if your paid-through date is blank or if the date is in the past, you have not yet paid this fiscal year. If you are Life Loyal, you have paid for life and are in good standing!  
Preferred Competencies and Experiences  
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills to guide conversations and connection.  
  • Enjoys working independently and has strong project management skills.   
  • Organized and able to keep detailed records of outreach and communication.   
  • Solicits constructive feedback for self and others.  
  • Advanced teamwork skills, including the ability to evaluate and act on team dynamics and roles and build healthy relationships.  
  • Previous experience as a Gamma Phi Beta volunteer, understanding of volunteer recruitment and Gamma Phi Beta’s strategic plan.