*Collegiate Chapter Supervisor - All Regions

Volunteer Opportunities United States


The following regions have active Collegiate Chapter Supervisor openings, volunteers do not have to live in specific regions in order to volunteer with them.  Want to see a list of all of Gamma Phi Beta's collegiate chapter regions?  Visit our website today!

East 1 - NY, MA, CT, Eastern Canada - 1 Opening

East 2 - PA, NJ, DE, MD - 1 Opening

East 3 - VA, WV, NC, SC  - 1 Opening

Midwest 1- OH, MI, KY - 2 Openings

Midwest 2 - IN, IL, WI - 2 Openings

Midwest 3 - MO, KS - 1 Opening

Midwest 4 - IA, NE, MN, ND, SD - 1 Opening

South 1 - TN, GA, AL, MS, FL - Full

South 2 - TX, OK, AR, LA - 1 Opening

West 1 - CO, UT, MT, ID, WA, OR - 1 Opening

West 2 - Southern CA, NV, AZ, NM - Full

West 3 - Northern CA - 1 Opening


Collegiate chapter supervisors utilize their experience, leadership and coaching skills to ensure chapter advisors, advisory boards and officers have the knowledge, skills, relationships and confidence to promote a positive member experience built on engagement and sisterhood. 


  • Appoint and train chapter advisors in collaboration with the chapter services manager for assigned chapters and assist the chapter advisor in ensuring a functional advisory board is appointed and trained on sisterhood, engagement and member retention.
  • Coach and mentor chapter advisors and officers in understanding and applying best practices in member retention, sisterhood research and engagement strategies.
  • Conduct annual performance evaluation for chapter advisors of assigned chapters and have ongoing conversations regarding performance.
  • Review Beta Base sisterhood event registrations: evaluate for alignment with best practices outlined by the Sorority’s sisterhood research and, if necessary, coach officers and advisors to modify events to better align with said research.
  • Hold chapters accountable to conducting member discipline and officer elections in a way that promotes sisterhood, engagement and retention and complies with Sorority policies and procedures.
  • Assess early indicators of disengagement for new and initiated members and collaborate with chapter advisors and officers on intervention strategies that result in retaining members and improving the member experience.
  • Analyze and apply data and research to improve sisterhood, engagement and member retention, including, but not limited to, the Sorority’s sisterhood research, chapter fraternity sorority engagement survey (FSES) results and university norms and assessment data.
  • Promote chapter and officer excellence in member retention by reading and responding to chapter officer reports and reviewing relevant suggestions from chapter visit reports.
  • Collaborate with regional/new chapter team leader and chapter services manager to schedule and conduct retention-focused chapter visits for assigned collegiate chapter(s), as necessary and requested, and submit report via Beta Base within 10 days of visit.
  • Hold assigned chapter(s) accountable to achieving the retention, sisterhood and engagement goals set forth by the Sorority’s strategic plan and chapter goal setting.
  • Work with advisory board members, recruitment supervisor, finance supervisor, regional/new chapter team leader, chapter services manager and other professional staff to promote a positive member experience and address chapter challenges, crises and situations that are negatively affecting sisterhood and retention.
  • Provide feedback and suggestions to appropriate workforce personnel on resources, programming, project teams and initiatives set forth by the Sorority.


  • This role requires 10-15 hours per week on average during the academic year.
  • Travel: Volunteers in this role will be expected to travel up to 12 days per year.
  • Complete all Fidelity volunteer online lessons and training sessions with regional team leader and chapter services manager within six weeks of appointment.
  • Learn and utilize Beta Base, the chapter reporting system, and OmegaFi (financial management platform) for assigned chapter(s).
  • Participate in team meetings and calls, as scheduled.
  • Respond to all communication within 48 hours.
  • Pay annual international alumnae dues or be a Life Loyal member. To check if you are in good standing, login at GammaPhiBeta.org > Member > My Profile. On the first tab, if your paid-through date is blank, you have not yet paid this fiscal year.

Preferred Competencies and Experiences 

  • Self-awareness of strengths, challenges and motivation for volunteering.
  • Effective, clear and timely written and verbal communication.
  • Experience working on a team to meet established goals.
  • Desire to mentor and coach other alumnae volunteers and collegians.
  • Base knowledge of Gamma Phi Beta policies, procedures and initiatives.
  • Strong knowledge of the Sorority’s sisterhood research.