*Teaching Fellow 2024-2025*

Prospective Openings Campus TBD, Massachusetts


Note: As of July 29, 2024, our Teaching Fellow Program is at capacity. If you would like to still be considered in case of an opening, please apply.

Organizational Overview  

Excel Academy was founded in 2003 with the mission to provide a high-quality, free, and public education to students in East Boston and Chelsea Massachusetts, communities that are predominantly low-income and Latinx and historically have faced significant social and educational barriers. Our success in Massachusetts is proof that the opportunity gap can be closed and we opened a new school in Rhode Island in 2022.  At Excel Academy Charter Schools, we believe that when a student has the support and tools to pursue a productive post-secondary pathway aligned to their personal identity and values, it can fundamentally change their life trajectory.    
At Excel Academy we learn from our students, families, and staff and make improvements. We have increasingly adapted to provide a holistic education that values our community as collaborators in the learning process, social-emotional support, equity for diverse learners, and fosters identity development. We prioritize an approach that is both rigorous and inclusive. Our team of passionate, intelligent, driven, and loving staff are at the core of the work we do.   

About the Role
The Fellowship Experience:
The Excel Academy Teaching Fellowship is an intensive teacher development program for the duration of one school year. Through structured classroom experience guided by an experienced mentor, observation, substitute teaching, and coaching, you will develop the skills and mindset to design rigorous and inclusive instruction and become a successful lead classroom teacher.

Mentorship & Professional Development: 
As an Excel Academy Teaching Fellow, you will be coached and mentored by an experienced teacher who will support your professional growth over the course of the year. You will become part of a diverse cohort of aspiring educators. Together you will participate in twice monthly professional development sessions with topics including rigorous classroom instruction, classroom culture and management, data-driven instruction, and equity and inclusion.

Opportunity for Growth:
During your Teaching Fellow year, you will have the option to apply for a lead teaching position at Excel Academy for the following school year, and as a current Excel academy employee, you will be guaranteed an interview. High-performing fellows may be asked to take on a parental leave coverage assignment. For the duration of that coverage, compensation will be increased to a full teacher salary.

Your Impact  

Teaching Opportunities  

  • Co-teach and lead teach a core subject or elective such Science or Studio Art throughout the school year
    • Co-plan high quality lessons with manager
    • Create and implement high quality lessons
    • Submit weekly lesson plans to your manager for feedback
    • Design and revise unit plans and lesson plans consistent with long-term curriculum 
  • Substitute Teaching: frequent coverage of academic content when lead teachers are absent to support the school and also your own development as you enter a variety of settings in your school
  • As needed, plan and lead academic intervention periods
  • Serve as a homeroom teacher
    • Within a team of three teachers, plan and lead activities for a homeroom group of 29 students
    • Serve as an advisor for 9-11 students
    • Participate in regular Grade Level Team meetings
    • Contribute to Grade Level Team activities, assemblies, special events, etc.
  • Lead a group of students in a 90-minute enrichment class session on Fridays each season
  • Meet weekly with a Mentor teacher to receive feedback on growth and development of teaching skills
  • Attend required twice monthly Fellow PD from 4:30-6:00 PM

Operational Opportunities

  • Provide 10 – 15 hours per week of operational support, as requested by the Operations Team
    • Substitute teach classes across 5th to 12th grade, across subject areas, as assigned in the daily morning email
    • Provide coverage for non-instructional time (Lunch, Study hall, Recess, Enrichment, etc.) as requested in the regular administer communications and as on the quarterly/trimester schedule
    • Other operational support as requested
  • Support with planning and execution of field trips, such as community service, as needed

Professional Development

  • Work with managers to develop professional development goals
  • Participate meaningfully in the professional development trainings that are school-based and network-wide, including Fellow Professional Development (which occurs twice monthly after school)
  • Attend weekly collaboration meetings with core content Grade Level Content (GLC) & Department teams
  • Attend and participate in Grade Level Team (GLT) team meetings and huddles

Serve as a productive member of the Excel Community

  • Participate in generating and upholding Excel Staff Norms
  • Serve as a productive member of the Excel Academy Community
  • Perform other responsibilities or tasks as requested
  • Do whatever it takes to ensure that the mission of the school is fulfilled


  • A Bachelor’s degree;
  • A commitment to addressing racial and economic inequity in education;
  • The ability to focus and thrive in a fast paced, entrepreneurial environment;
  • The ability to work effectively in a team environment and the willingness and desire to support others in doing their best work; 
  • An openness to change, a willingness to problem-solve, and an interest in receiving feedback for continuous improvement; and
  • Can speak to their personal investment and commitment to antiracist education and diversity, equity, and inclusion in our school community and beyond.

Preference will be given to applicants who share points of intersection with our students, such as speaking Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, or a language commonly spoken by our students and families at an advanced level, being first generation college graduates, or having grown up low-income. 

Mission Alignment  

  • You share a commitment to and belief in all students and the mission of Excel Academy Charter Schools, including Excel’s values and educational model;
  • A commitment to addressing racial and economic inequity in education;
  • You work effectively in a team environment and have a willingness and desire to support others in doing their best work; and
  • You are open to change, are willing to problem-solve, and seek feedback for your own professional growth and improvement.

Excel Academy Charter Schools do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, creed, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, age, ancestry, athletic performance, special need, proficiency in the English language or a foreign language or prior academic achievement.

Applications will be reviewed as they are received and candidates are encouraged to apply as soon as possible.