Field Technician

Oil & Gas Field Tyrone, Pennsylvania
Position at New Pig Energy

Thank you for considering a career at New Pig. Please take a minute to fill out the following form. After you have completed your application an email will be sent to you with information about how to check the status of your application.

Add Resume*

If you do not have a resume, please select the "Type or Paste Resume" drop down option below and type in your work experience. Please include Name of Employer, Job Title, Dates of Employment and a brief summary of work experience.

Personal Information

PLEASE READ CAREFULLY The information requested on this form is required by federal law (49 CFR) to be provided by any driver applying for a commercial driver position as defined by 49 CFR.

Failure to complete required areas can place both the applicant and carrier in violation of federal law. Information provided will be verified by carrier as required under various parts of 49 CFR.

False statements may result in refusal to hire or immediate termination.


School 1

Did you graduate?

School 2

Did you graduate?

School 3

Did you graduate?

Employment History

All applicants must provide the following information for any previous employer during the past three years.

Employer 1

Was your job designated as a safety-sensitive function in any DOT-related mode subject to the drug and alcohol testing requirements of 49 CFR Part 40?

Employer 2

Was your job designated as a safety-sensitive function in any DOT-related mode subject to the drug and alcohol testing requirements of 49 CFR Part 40?

Employer 3

Was your job designated as a safety-sensitive function in any DOT-related mode subject to the drug and alcohol testing requirements of 49 CFR Part 40?

Employer 4

Was your job designated as a safety-sensitive function in any DOT-related mode subject to the drug and alcohol testing requirements of 49 CFR Part 40?

Employer 5

Was your job designated as a safety-sensitive function in any DOT-related mode subject to the drug and alcohol testing requirements of 49 CFR Part 40?

Accident Record

Provide the following information for any accident that you were involved in during the preceding three years. If none, write none.

Accident 1

Hazardous Material Spill

Accident 2

Hazardous Material Spill

Accident 3

Hazardous Material Spill

Accident 4

Hazardous Material Spill

Accident 5

Hazardous Material Spill

Traffic Violations

Please provide the following information for all motor vehicle violations for which you were convicted or pled guilty to during the preceding three years. Do not include parking tickets. If none, write none.

Traffic Violation 1

Traffic Violation 2

Traffic Violation 3

Traffic Violation 4

Traffic Violation 5

Driver Experience and Qualifications

List all driver's licenses or permits held in the past three years.

License/Permit 1

License/Permit 2

License/Permit 3

Have you ever been denied a license, permit, or privilege to operate a motor vehicle?
Has any license, permit, or privilege ever been suspended or revoked?


List three work-related references.

Reference 1

Reference 2

Reference 3

Social Profile (optional)

LinkedIn Remove LinkedIn Profile

Additional Files (optional)

The above information is required. To complete this application, you must provide the minimum required information.

View Full Application Form

Please fill the required fields