Front Counter

Store Operations Golden, BC

Thank you for considering a career at Kal Tire. After you have completed your application an email will be sent to you confirming your candidacy. Start Your Journey with Kal Tire!

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Diversity Voluntary Information Sheet

Kal Tire is an Equal Opportunity Employer. The information below is used to measure the effectiveness of our recruitment efforts. You are not required to furnish this information but are encouraged to do so.

The law provided that an employer may neither discriminate on the basis of this information nor on whether you choose to furnish it.

This Diversity Voluntary Information Sheet will be kept in a confidential file separate from the application. All information collected here will be maintained in accordance with Kal Tire Privacy Statement.

These categories and explicit terminology are used in the Canadian Census. By leveraging these same categories Kal Tire can contrast our team member population to the Canadian population.

Social Profile (optional)

Use this option if you want to share your full LinkedIn profile in addition to your resume.

Additional Files (optional)

The above information is required. To complete this application, you must provide the minimum required information.

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