Research Fellow – Theory of photonic quantum computation

Postdoctoral Researcher Braga, Portugal


Research Fellow – Theory of photonic quantum computation


Job Reference: Ref.09.24.46

Employer: International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL)

Location: Braga, Portugal

Group/Unit: Galvão Research Group

Number of Vacancies: 1

Employment Type: Full time

Contract Duration: 24 months


Open Date for Applications: August 29th, 2024

Closing Date for Applications: September 17th, 2024, 23h00m (Lisbon Time)


Key words: #photonicquantumcomputation #quantumoptics #integratedphotonicchips #measurementbasedquantumcomputation #quantumerrorcorrection



The Galvão research group at INL develops three main theoretical research lines: photonic quantum computation, foundations of quantum computation, and quantum software engineering. The group currently counts with approximately 35 members, including 3 staff researchers (Ernesto Galvão, Rui Soares Barbosa, Leonardo Novo), 2 associate Professors at the University of Minho (Luís Soares Barbosa, Luís Paulo Santos), 3 postdocs, and many graduate students. The group coordinates Horizon Europe project FoQaCiA, and is a partner in 3 EC-funded projects developing theory for photonic quantum computation: PHOQUSING, QU-BOSS, and EPIQUE “European Photonic Quantum Computer”. For more information on the group’s activities please check the website


We are looking for a qualified postdoctoral fellow to join our team to do theoretical and computational investigation under project EPIQUE, coordinated by the University of Rome and with a total of 18 academic and industrial partners, Grant Agreement number 101135288. For more information on the project’s activities see

The envisaged research topics for the postdoctoral fellow include scalable photonic quantum computation (based on measurement-based quantum computation concepts), near-term models of quantum computation suitable for photonic platforms, and characterisation of resources for photonic quantum computation: photonic indistinguishability, coherence, and various notion of nonclassicality.


Job Duties

The job duties will be the following:

  • Numerical simulation of error-correcting codes suitable for photonic measurement-based quantum computation;
  • Characterisation of photonic indistinguishability, coherence, and other resources for photonic quantum computation;
  • Development of device validation techniques, including classical simulation and modelling;
  • Devising proof-of-concept experiments using reconfigurable interferometers for hybrid quantum computation, quantum machine learning, and other suitable information-processing tasks.


Mandatory Qualifications



  • PhD degree in Physics, Physical Engineering, Computer Science, Mathematics, or other related field.


Experience and Technical Skills

  • Knowledge of quantum computational models (e.g., circuit model, measurement-based quantum computation, variation quantum algorithms);
  • Research experience with linear and/or nonlinear optics, or other physical platforms for quantum computation, will be valued;
  • Experience with quantum error correction and error mitigation, will be valued;
  • Experience with programming, knowledge of quantum simulation techniques, will be valued.



Personal Skills

  • Hands-on” approach together with a high commitment in respecting working deadlines;
  • Problem Solving ability;
  • Customer orientation;
  • Ability to work independently and as team player;
  • Good communication skills.



Our Benefits

  • Competitive salary;
  • Tax benefits and other Diplomatic privileges;
  • Private health insurance;
  • Family allowances (according to family situation);
  • Free nursery service at INL premises (subject to availability);
  • Support for education fees of dependent children;
  • Relocation support;
  • 30 working days of annual leave.


How to Apply

The application must be in English and include the following mandatory documents:

a)     Cover letter

b)     Curriculum Vitae

c)      Academic and/or Professional diplomas

d)     At least two letters of recommendation


Online application instructions:

  1. The application is made online by clicking the “Apply” button;
  2. The candidate must complete all required sections of the online application form;
  3. The candidate must submit the mandatory documents mentioned above in pdf format by including them in the “Additional files” section using the “Add portfolio” button.


Important note:

Incomplete applications including the failure to provide mandatory documents or providing inaccurate information will result in the application not being considered.



How the Selection Process works

A. Applications eligibility check

This stage will be carried out on the basis of the mandatory requirements, education, experience and technical skills defined for the job, as well as the validation of the mandatory documents. Only candidates who meet the eligibility criteria will move forward to the next stage.

B. CV Assessment

The Selection Committee will evaluate the eligible applications based on their CV and other submitted documents and the suitability for the position. The best ranked candidates will be shortlisted for the interview stage(s).

C. Interview(s)

The interview(s) may be done in different formats: video recording, online or onsite.

The question based interview will evaluate the match between the candidate’s profile and the requirements for the position, including the technical and personal skills. To better support this stage, the candidate may be requested to prepare a short presentation.


D. Nomination

The selected candidate will be nominated and formally offered the position, including the disclosure of the contractual conditions. 




Additional Information



Application feedback

We highly value your interest in becoming part of the INL experience and it is important for us to maintain good communications with all candidates. No matter the outcome of your application, we will always provide you with feedback.


Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination Principle

INL follows a non-discrimination and equal access principle, wherefore no candidate can be privileged, benefited, impaired or deprived of any rights whatsoever, or be exempt of and duties based on any possible discriminatory issues.


The advertisement deadline may be extended at any time without previous notice in order to improve the suitability and effectiveness of the recruitment process.



About INL

The International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory – INL (, is the first and only Intergovernmental Organisation in the world entirely focused on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.

It was founded under an international legal framework to perform interdisciplinary research, deploy and communicate nanotechnology for the benefit of society. INL aims to be a recognised leading global nanotechnology innovation hub.