*Belonging and Inclusion Committee Member

Volunteer Opportunities United States


Application Deadline: September 15, 2024

The Belonging and Inclusion Committee (Committee) is a standing committee appointed by International Council (IC) to support their prioritization, identification and implementation of practices related to belonging, equity, diversity and inclusion in the context of Gamma Phi Beta Sorority.    
  • The Committee will address the following:  
  • Review the report of the Belonging and Inclusion Task Force.  
  • Create definitions of belonging, equity, diversity and inclusion for approval by IC to be used by Gamma Phi Beta.  
  • Submit a prioritization of recommendations from the Belonging and Inclusion Task Force report to IC for approval.  
  • Educate and increase awareness and understanding of One Gamma Phi Beta (the Sorority, the Facilities Management Company and the Foundation) board members and workforce on belonging, equity, diversity and inclusion.  
  • Assist One Gamma Phi Beta board members and workforce in the implementation of recommendations in these areas.  
  • Serve as a resource to One Gamma Phi Beta in matters related to belonging, equity, diversity and inclusion.  
  • The Committee shall hold regular meetings at least six times yearly and as necessary via conference call and can meet more frequently as circumstances require. When appropriate, the Committee may meet in person. The Committee can communicate between meetings via email communication.  
  • Complete basic Fidelity volunteer online lessons and other required training.  
  • No travel is expected for this role. Any changes in travel expectations will be communicated to volunteers.  
  • Pay annual international alumnae dues or be Life Loyal member. To check if you are in good standing, log in at GammaPhiBeta.org > Member > My Profile. On the first tab, if your paid- through date is blank or if the date is in the past, you have not yet paid this fiscal year. If you are Life Loyal, you have paid for life and are in good standing. 
Preferred Competencies and Experiences 
  • Ability to participate in a virtual team and work independently.  
  •  Background and/or expertise in areas relating to belonging, inclusion, diversity initiatives.  
  •  Experience in advancing intercultural competence within fraternity/sorority communities.  
  •  Demonstrated commitment to advancing knowledge around belonging and inclusion.  
  •  Ability to recognize how personal identity influences leadership.  
  •  Ability to describe how different identities are impacted by decision-making.  
  •  General background and/or experience that would be helpful in this role (e.g., nonprofit board   governance, project management, working in a diverse environment, etc.).   
For additional details, please view the Belonging and Inclusion Committee Charter on the Gamma Phi Beta website.